
🕌 💧💦🛀🧖♀️🧖♂️ Hammams ( public baths ) played a major part in ancient Ottoman culture and society. It was one of the most common daily activities. Wealthy people could afford to build bathing facilities in their houses but mostly the people have bathed in the communal baths (hammams). And also traveling caravans and passengers were using hammams for bathing.
In some ways, these resembled modern-day spas. The Ottomans raised bathing to a high level of art as they also socialized in these communal baths.
Büyük Pasha Hammam is Gaziantep’s one of the oldest hammam and it is next to Hışvahan Hotel & Gourmet Restaurant. It has been built by Lala Mustafa Pasha in 1577 and renovated in 2015 named as Hammam Museum.
There are many hammams still existing but only some of them are continuing their old functions today.
#GaziantepHamamMüzesi #GaziantepHammamMuseum #PaşaHamamı #turkishhammam #GöymenHamamı #İkiKapılıHamamı #HamamKonut #HüseyinPaşaHamamı #BeşaşerHamamı #BeşbaşarHamamı #EskiHamam #PazarHamamı #KaleHamamı #KeyvanbeyHamamı #NaipHamamı #ŞehitlerHamamı #ŞeyhFethullahHamamı #NakıpoğluHamamı #TabakHamamı #GaziantepKhans #Gaziantephammams #Antepinhamamları #CaravanSerais #AuthenticExperience #HistoricalHotel #SilkRoad
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